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  • A:On the basis of general and engineering plastics, the performance of modified plastics is improved by filling, blending and strengthening. Widely used in automobiles, electronic appliances, construction and other fields. The future to high performance, green environmental protection, multi-functional development, such as high strength, degradable, antibacterial and so on. It has broad prospects, provides high-quality material support for the development of various fields, and constantly innovates to adapt to changes in market demand.

  • A:Plastic central feeding system has the function of centralized feeding and efficient transportation of raw materials, improving production efficiency. Accurate measurement ensures stable product quality. It facilitates production management and real-time monitoring to reduce failures. It also reduces costs and waste. At the same time, the closed transmission reduces dust pollution, saves energy and reduces consumption, and provides reliable feeding solutions for plastic processing enterprises to help sustainable development.

  • A:The waste rubber tube can be recycled by original transformation, making into regenerated rubber, pyrolysis recovery and production of rubber powder, etc. The original form can be used as protective casing, sealing gasket, etc. Recycled rubber is used in the production of various rubber products; Gas, liquid and solid products can be obtained by pyrolysis. Rubber powder can be used as filler or modifier for rubber products and road construction, etc. These methods have their own advantages, and provide an effective way for the treatment of waste rubber pipes.

  • A:In the era of sustainable development, Yongte plastic film woven bag cleaning line to solve the problem of waste woven bag pollution, through sorting, cleaning to achieve resource recycling, reduce costs and environmental pressure. Plastic film woven bag cleaning line will play a more important role in the field of environmental protection.

  • A:There are various surface treatment methods for plastic profiles. Electrostatic spraying coating uniformity, strong adhesion and good decoration; Powder spraying environmental protection, excellent coating performance; The film has decorative and functional points; Anodizing is suitable for aluminum profiles to improve hardness and corrosion resistance; Embossing adds decorativeness and anti-slip properties. Each method has its own characteristics to meet different needs.

  • A:Yonte extruder rollers are made of high quality alloy steel with a specific shape and internal structure. It plays a key role in plastic extrusion, achieving plasticization, providing extrusion pressure, controlling temperature, and requiring wear and corrosion resistance. It is necessary to do a good job of cleaning, checking wear, maintaining the temperature system and lubricating the transmission parts in daily life to ensure the long-term stable operation of the extruder and the quality of plastic products.

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