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  • A:Yongte is professional manufacturer for WPC door making machine, here we give introduction of the the common faults and solutions of WPC door extrusion machine.

  • Yongte is professional manufacturer for high quality WPC door extrusion machines, we also provide good customer service. The WPC door factory operators should do good maintenance for the WPC door extrusion machines regularly to ensure the machine working stably and increase the machine working time.


  • A:at the beginning of production, you can first set the screw speed at a moderate level and observe the temperature changes. If the temperature is too high, reduce the speed appropriately; if the temperature is too low and the heating power has reached the upper limit, you can increase the speed appropriately. Assisted heating. As production progresses and the process becomes familiar, the temperature can be controlled more accurately by adjusting the screw speed.

  • When setting the parameters of the extruder of WPC decking production line, the operator need to consider many factors, such asRaw material characteristics,Product specification requirements,Extruder performance etc


  • As an important processing equipment, wood-plastic extruder can process wood-plastic materials into products of various shapes and specifications, and is widely used in construction, furniture, packaging and other fields. Below, Yongte will introduce in detail how to operate the wood plastic extruder.


  • WPC foam board, also known as wood-plastic composite foam board, is a new type of environmentally friendly building material. It uses wood powder, plastic, etc. as the main raw materials, and is made by adding an appropriate amount of foaming agent and other additives through mixing, extrusion, foaming, molding and other processes. Wood-plastic foam board has the dual advantages of wood and plastic.


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