Do good maintenance to extend the service life of the plastic feeder


Close the maintenance of plastic feeder

1. About no-load starting

The no-load starting of the screw feeder is a key step to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend the service life. Before starting, be sure to check the inside of the housing carefully to ensure that there is no material residue. This is because starting with materials will bring excessive initial load to the motor and drive system, which may not only cause difficulty in starting the motor, but also easily cause premature wear of the components.

2. Processing of abnormal phenomena

During the operation of the equipment, there may be various abnormal phenomena, such as abnormal noise, abnormal vibration, and unstable transmission speed. Once these conditions are found, they should be stopped immediately for inspection.

First, check the delivery of the material to see if there is a blockage or jamming phenomenon. Second, check the transmission parts, such as belts, chains, gears, etc., for wear, loosening or breakage. In addition, check the electrical control system to see if there are line faults, contactor abnormalities and other problems.

For example, a screw feeder in a factory experienced severe vibration during operation, which was found to be due to the loosening of a key fixing bolt. Discover and solve problems in time to avoid more serious equipment damage.

3. Operation before parking

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the next start, and to prevent the deterioration or caking caused by the material remaining in the casing, the feeding must be stopped before stopping, and wait for the material in the casing to be completely transported out before stopping the operation.

If the machine is stopped when the material is not exhausted, the residual material may solidify in the housing, which will increase the load of the equipment the next time it is started, and may even damage the spiral blade or other components.

There have been enterprises because of failure to comply with this regulation, resulting in the material in the machine caked, cleaning work cost a lot of time and manpower.

4. The cover is safe to use

When the machine is running, do not take off the cover. This is to prevent the operator's limbs from being accidentally involved inside the equipment, resulting in serious personal injury accidents.

At the same time, the cover can also play a certain role in dustproof and preventing foreign matter from falling into the equipment, and keep the internal clean and normal operating environment of the equipment.

For example, some individual operators took off the cover without permission in order to facilitate the observation of the internal situation, resulting in arm injuries, which brought great pain and loss to both individuals and enterprises.

5. Prevent large materials from mixing

The material to be transported shall not be mixed with hard large materials, which is to avoid the screw being stuck, thus damaging the equipment.

Before feeding, an effective screening device should be set up to conduct preliminary screening of the material and remove possible large impurities.

There was once a plastic processing plant, because the material was not screened, a large metal foreign body was mixed into it, resulting in serious deformation of the spiral blade, and the entire conveying system was paralyzed, which had a great impact on production.

6. Precautions for initial feeding

When the equipment is initially fed, the feeding speed should be gradually increased, which is to allow the equipment to have a gradual adaptation process.

Increasing the feed speed too quickly may cause material accumulation, clogging, and even overload the drive. In actual operation, the feeding speed can be reasonably adjusted by observing the operating state of the equipment, such as current, transmission speed, etc.

7. Regular inspection of fasteners

The fasteners of each component are easy to loosen due to vibration during the operation of the equipment. Regular inspection and tightening of loose screws can ensure the structural stability and operating accuracy of the equipment.

In particular, fasteners in some key parts, such as the motor base, the transmission shaft connection, etc., should be paid more attention.

Some companies have ignored the inspection of fasteners, resulting in the transmission shaft falling off, resulting in serious equipment failure.

In short, strictly abide by and carefully implement the above maintenance points, can effectively improve the reliability and service life of industrial open plastic feeder, to ensure the smooth progress of production.

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